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About Capn_Shawn

Whatever else I may enjoy in this life, I am first and foremost, a follower of Christ.
I do not wish to teach, but there are just too many wolves in the sheepfold of “Christianity” to sit by idle any more.
It is easy to tear down long-standing beliefs, there are thousands of channels that simply pick-apart "Christian" videos. If you are looking for a playlist of response videos, this isn't meant for you.
I'm also not here to build up doctrines, there are thousands of fan-boy channels for every doctrine out there. If you are looking for a list of why you are right, this isn't meant for you either.
I want to show the treasure hiding in plain-view that are overlooked when viewed though the filter of mankind's dangerous teachings, doctrines and ideas.
I can’t make up your mind for you, nor would I want to. But by removing man's doctrine from what is written, the serious people will be encouraged to follow truth, leave their sins behind and follow the Master into life eternal.

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