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Golden Miky /TLGP

1,730 subscribers

About Golden Miky /TLGP

Hello newcomers! And welcome to my channel!
In this channel you will see 2d and 3d animations, collab parts and much more!
Movie progects are also a thing, so stay tuned everyone and subscribe!

About me:
Gender: male
Job: artist, animator ( i'm still pretty young, I just do this things for the future)
My objective with this channel: let everyone know my creativity and my future movie progects!
Commissions: not open, they will be when i'll find out a way for payment
Can we be friends? Sure! But I will need to know you more before I'll get your trust, so don't ask for my discord that easily! ^^

That's all I guess, see you all in my videos little pixels! Bye bye! ^^

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