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From She to Me

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About From She to Me

Sharing tips and experiences as we travel in our Pleasure Way Ascent Campervan: upgrades, DIY, organizing, cooking, packing, planning, and adventures.

Are you wondering about the meaning behind the title of my channel? It is from a favorite poem called "A Bridge Across Time" written by Darlene Stevens about her great great grandmother. The last stanza of the poem is:

I'll live my life and when it's done
I'll live again in those to come.
For I'm a bridge from she to me;
From those that were, to those to be.

Each one of us can be a bridge across time, sharing our experiences, stories, history, with those to come. This channel is my small way of building a bridge between those who love travel, adventure, and sharing with strangers they have yet to meet.

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