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157 subscribers

About Konani

Been wanting to do let's plays for quite some years, but i'm an autistic, nervous wreck with a crippling depression and low self-esteem.
Finally mustered up the courage to start uploading things though, even if my skills are far from good :3!
I'm hoping to get a bit better with time.
-At recording and talking while playing, not getting better at the actual games.
I like playing games, but i'm not very good at them :3!

Outside of being a nameless nobody uploading some gameplay videos,
i am generally a person who creates media that may or may not include controversial subjects,
mainly in writing or drawing.
Finding me in other places through google, many people would probably hate me just on principle,
but i am of the opinion that all is fair in fiction, as long as it does not include real-life people.

I am not much a fan of censoring, which is why my channel is not suitable for children, or people with certain sensitivities.
I also have many opinions that others may disagree with.

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