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Kinglink Reviews

5,170 subscribers

About Kinglink Reviews

I'm Kinglink, a gamer for last 30 years, a game developer since 2006, and now a video game reviewer. This is my Review channel.

We have three types of videos here, First Looks are just 30 minutes of me playing a new game while I talk about the game, or whatever is on my mind Last Looks are after I finish the game and am done, I give my final thoughts on the game. This is a review as well. We also have Quick Looks, which are games that don't get as much production or writing but still a review of those games.

The games are also reviewed at In addition there's a steam curator account at… if you prefer to see my recommendations on Steam.

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All videos should be free of ads and any monetization is not done by me but content claims by third party. I apologize for them, but I have no control. .

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