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Dr. Mikey Bee

575 subscribers

About Dr. Mikey Bee There are so many tech channels. I try not to repeat the work others have done with their vlogs. Instead, I try to make content that is unique. Having said that, I'm a lazy vlogger. I don't edit my videos, and I make them for myself as much as for others. Vlogging helps me to learn, focus, and remember. Moreover, I get to review what I do and recognize my weaknesses and strengths. For example, if I forget a technique, I can watch my previous attempts. Then I don't have to find my notes or research the technique from scratch again. So you won't find polished videos here. You'll see me miss the point, make mistakes, and generally struggle to get stuff working. Along the way, you may learn some problem-solving techniques that are as valuable as the particular tech itself.

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