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About ExtantFrodo2

I am now ExtantFrodo2 due to Google's stupid login crap. Previously I was just ExtantFrodo Find out more about me (UpLoads & Favorites) at

90% of donors do not need to do extractions of marrow through the hip bone. New techniques chemically induce those cells to go into the blood where they are extracted with no more pain then a regular blood donation. The current limited number of registered donors has us giving people less than optimal cells. This usually leads to severe complications including death. Please consider registering. It really makes a world of difference.

A big part of why people learn to be "bad" is in the current system where they've come to expect their lot in life (and that of their children) to be one of poverty. Do you doubt that nanotechnology can change that? When people can make what ever drugs they want right inside their bodies to you think there will be any drug related crime?
What happens when a youth in Uganda can manufacture oscilloscopes or computers or hamburgers or vaccines at home?

never ever ever run counter against your integrity. But you have to know yourself to have integrity. To know yourself you have to examine yourself honestly and without bias. How can one do this when clinging to out dated dogma and biblical? literalism which runs counter to reality and it's evidence?

If there's a god who sits on his thumbs while babies burn to death, What makes you think it would be any less cruel in heaven?

Whatever god is, if it is real and closely resembles the biblical god, then it is our duty and obligation to teach it proper morals and justice and concern for other sentient beings.

Random Christian says, "The cross of Jesus deals with sin and holds out mercy"

Nope. All you have there is the barbarians' notion that if you can over power something you are better than it. By over powering an innocent you are better than innocent. It's a quite primitive and stupid notion. One would hope in this day and age people could see through this crap, but I guess not.

Life is nothing more than animated matter. Mind (the software running on the substrate of animated matter: is what we cherish. The body is a piece of crap that is very fragile, poorly designed, badly powered, insufficiently self maintaining and this is all obviously due to the default effects of evolution. We are presently limited to the one substrate for ex

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