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Ilmee Mintz

15,100 subscribers

About Ilmee Mintz

I turned 50 in 2020. I am a badass. I am planning to keep that attitude towards life. I've been a personal trainer for the last 10 Years. I see and feel the importance of movement and workouts. I want to minimize the process of life in general. There are a lot of things we can make of life without frills. My channel is presenting that motto. I simplified the process of working out. So you can just follow along. Life after 40 even after 50 is still fun to enjoy when you have the energy for it.
In this channel, I talked about portion control to lose weight. It takes practice. Just like everything else in life You have to do it consistently to feel natural. So much information is out there you often find yourself don't know where to start. So this is me every day measure my food in the certain portion I eat very control to lose weight now I am keeping it off for the next 20 years.

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