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Fundamental Life Transformations

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About Fundamental Life Transformations

Melanie Mumma, Founder of Fundamental Life Transformations, empowers survivors to release childhood PTSD and narcissistic abuse, enabling them to thrive. As the scapegoat in a large narcissistic family, she was thrown out at 15 but became self-sufficient, working and finishing school on her own. Believing that we each decide who we want to be, Melanie began in 1980 to help abandoned teens and adults overcome childhood abuse, build self-esteem, and recognize that possibilities and growth are shaped by mindset. She went on to college, built a successful career managing $35M+ technology programs globally, served on a committee for mobile telephony standards, and led high-performing teams. Throughout her career, Melanie supported fellow survivors in healing from trauma, even before it was widely accepted. FLT was founded in 2018 to provide group support and instensive workshops.

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