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Mitch Coté

9 subscribers

About Mitch Coté

Another LP channel? Yeah, well, it's something to add to my personal gaming experience and worth experimenting with.

Things to expect on this channel:
-Rage, either because I'm raging or because you know I missed something.
-Mostly blind game play, I know enough to play games, not enough time to master every secret.

Things not to expect on this channel:
-New Releases, I'm not wanting to jump on every game bandwagon that comes along, but rather some how work through my back catalog of games.
-Console games, while I have a Wii, Xbox 360, and PS2, I do not have the set up to record them, and my PC is better for gaming anyway.
-Call of Battlefield 9000, just not happening. Probably won't be much in the way of multiplayer games.
-JRPGs (this includes Pokemon), sorry but no, if I wouldn't want to watch me play a JRPG, you definately wouldn't want to watch me play one. There's no entertainment value in it from me to you.

So Let's Play and Rage the FUCK out :)

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