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Vcreativeart16 Reporter

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About Vcreativeart16 Reporter

Hello everyone, I'm Vanessa I want to see the world heal and see people living their true existence the way it was meant to be for them

In 2019 we had a self publishing podcast for two years

We created over 16 audiobooks and 17 ebooks

In 2021 I went on a world tour for 2 years and now a digital nomad to show you can achieve you dreams I and vlog squad

Now I interview celebrities and artists.
Want to collaborate, or book a session or donate?

contact me
[email protected]

Vanessa and management

+1 (941) 2471071

Support our nonprofit Vcreativeart16 and narrators

buy one of our best sellers audiobooks below: Best sellers!

A I versus firing employees audiobook on Amazon:

Who did it?
Narrated by Thomas dinno

Learn French for children
Narrated by lavi samo

Cease the fear narrated by Manjot Hans

Lastly, don't forget to tune in to Vanessa's podcast

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