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Elf Bait

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About Elf Bait

Welcome to my attempt to pass on the long traditions of DMing and playing Dungeons & Dragons that I have learned, picked up and developed over the years.
I am an avid gamer in many styles of games but have always loved role-playing games and D&D is the dearest in my heart and soul.

The name of this channel, "Elf Bait" comes from a running gag carried on since high school where my friends and I joked that our creative ideas were being stolen by tiny little elves that took our ideas to the powers that be. Over the decades this has become something of a badge of pride, knowing that we had ideas that were not only cool to us but deemed cool enough by professionals (not that we thing they really took our ideas) for commercial use.

I hope that those who watch this series will learn something from my humble, garage ramblings. I am not polished, professional or even high tech at all, but I am going to do my best, to give and honest bit of insight to the hobby I love.

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