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My channel is best described by the excitement of building Inventions in Woodworking and Metalworking. If your looking for Comedy and Woodworking at the same time... You probably found a channel to subscribe too. I build stuff for myself and friends. I find things in life that I could make that would solve a problem. Many times it may not exist. If it does, its probably too expensive and magically in marriage.. Your money suddenly turns into "OUR" money.

I started Woodworking around the age of 12. My dad taught me how to use his tools in our garage. I became comfortable at the band saw. At the time Square wasn't in my vocabulary. Nothing I made didn't have a gap to it. I hacked things together, but dad never told me I did wrong. Fast forward 24 years later. I built my own shop.. Corrected the bad habits and retaught myself how to do it right. My projects may still have gaps but I shove enough sawdust and glue mixed in it and put that side in the corner now.. LOL

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