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Información sobre DivineSoul1987

A glimpse of what passionate me in life.

My favorite hobby is gaming.
My favorite video game genre is Role Playing Games (RPGs), and more specifically Japanese RPGs (JRPGs).
My favorite video game series is Final Fantasy.
My favorite music artist is Britney Spears.
My favorite TV show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, closely followed by Batwoman.
My favorite movie is Cruel Intentions.

My Final Fantasy Ranking: (from best to less good)
Greatest: FF7, FF8
Class S: FF7R, LR: FF13, FF6,
Class A: FF13, FF12:TZA, FF15, SoP: FFO, FF9
Class B: FF Type-0, FF10, CC:FF7,
Class C: FF13-2, FF11, FF10-2, DoC: FF7, FF4, FF14,
Class D: FF16, FF Tactics, FF5, FF1, FF3, FF2.

My Britney Spears albums Ranking: (from best to less good)
In the Zone, Glory, Britney, Femme Fatale, Blackout, Circus, Oops I did it again, Baby One More Time, Britney Jean

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