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Mikey Strikey

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Mikey Strikeyの説明

Love anything to do with Spiritual, planes, horses, dogs, history, and truth.

Also a Yahoshua/Jesus freak. Reason being that I only obey Christ and none other. Christianity is in turmoil because it mixes too much other religions into their dogma. They absolutely throw out the baby (Christ) with the bathwater (Law). Christians mean well, but are kept from the truth by their teachers because if they did know the truth, they would not financially support their church business. Yes, that was not a typo... I did say business. According to what Yahoshua/Jesus said, and according to mist early church Fathers, and according to God Himself, the true "way truth and life" of Messiah is not followed in any Christian denomination... including the Roman Catholic.

Christianity has been deliberately mislead in the name of money. While children starve and suffer all around the world, these Christian mega churches get fat on the tithes of their gullible followers all in the name of their Jesus.

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