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Elevators from Finland

68,100 subscribers

About Elevators from Finland

Hello and welcome to my channel!

I speak Swedish, Russian, Finnish, English and very little Japanese!
I am from Helsinki, the capital of Finland!

I was born in 1993 and I lived in Turku from 1995 until 2013. I have studied languages at the University of Helsinki, and I also work as a guide, and have a part-time job. One of my hobbies is documenting elevators in my home country, and internationally (every once in a while, I get to travel a little!). Interests also include rail-based public transportation, ferries, cruiseferries, airplanes, music, movies, culture, cuisine and languages. On my channel, you'll find videos of elevators, public transportation, flights, ferries and cruiseferries - from Finland and abroad, and I especially like older elevators with character and style as they can be very unique, so stay tuned!

I've been using YouTube since September 2008.

31.08.2021: 65,77 MILLION VIEWS & 53 088 SUBSCRIBERS! Thank you very much!

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