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USA Trucking 101x

5,130 subscribers

About USA Trucking 101x

Hello Everyone...Hello World 😊 My channel is about trucking situation here in USA. All videos are taken live then edited into shorts and some long videos. These videos are in real life day to day life of truckers on the road here in USA. I avoid using music . I realized the engine sounds is also very important. Seasoned truckers incase they want it that way. Those backgrounds are real hapenning. I don't drive any of those trucks. I'm a Travelling Nurse by Profession specialyzing in ICCU/Hemodialysis here in USA. During the Pandemic " Big Respect to all of these truckers and you know what I mean. So I make this channel to dedicate to these unsung heroes. Aside they are also beautiful to watch on our Freeways here in USA. They are like " Art" to me.
My videos are very simple and taken from my Iphone and Android phone.
Please enjoy watching my videos
And please consider also to subscribe my channel and give me some likes and comments to keep me going... Thanks guys... Cheers!!

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