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Spork Syndicate

482 subscribers

About Spork Syndicate

I collected diecast cars growing up, and then they went into the attic, with the occasional add through the years. And then my son began collecting. While at home during the pandemic in 2020, I brought the collection down from the attic and gave my son all my duplicates, plus whatever else he wanted to take. His collection grew from less than 20 to more than 200 in an afternoon, and continues to grow almost every day.

Some of my old castings needed repair, and he was putting some good wear and tear on his new ones, so I began fixing them, which led me to YouTube and discovering the world of diecast customizing, to which I'm happy to belong. While I brought diecast cars to my son, he brought YouTube to me, and here we are.

That's my 1/64 story. In my 1/1 story, I'm a writer and filmmaker, and I work on crew for film and TV production (member IATSE Local 487). My crafts are set dressing and locations. I have an incredible wife and an amazing son.

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