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Shelf Cloud

17 subscribers

About Shelf Cloud

Covid-19 was overblown and exaggerated. It was a psy-op and a distraction. There was NEVER a need for lockdowns, masks, social distancing, vaccines or any other ridiculous measure for a virus with a 99.9x% recovery rate. The average age of death for Covid-19 is greater than or equal to the average age of death in general. They knew early on who was most at risk and ignored it. The ones most at risk are the elderly, obese and those with underlying conditions, the same as they are at risk for any other ailment. PCR tests ran too many cycles creating false positives so that deaths with Covid-19 could be counted as death from Covid-19. Hospitals were monetarily incentivized for each case and death. Early treatments were withheld. Remdesivir, sedatives, morphine & ventilators were a death protocol. Covid positive patients were placed into nursing homes killing tens of thousands. This was a statistical pandemic on paper only, perpetrated and perpetuated by the response.

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