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Russ Kendrick Martin

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Russ Kendrick Martinの説明

Russ Kendrick Martin is a Michigan-based songwriter, storyteller and performer.
He has toured extensively with The Low-Budget Roadshow--a one-man performance that features a stripped down take on his original songs, along with a fresh approach to storytelling. He’s at home on the road, preferring to travel back roads rather than freeways. living out of a the back of an old pickup truck he affectionately named Carolina—A nod to his adopted second home state.

Russ is a seasoned entertainer. He brings his songs to life on guitar, piano, harmonica and ukulele --He has performed on stages in the biggest music centers in the U.S., including Nashville, TN, Chicago, IL and Athens, Ga.--

His success as a songwriter is due, in part, to his years of working as a broadcast journalist at a small town radio station; Life as a reporter also provides plenty of material for Martin's character-driven story songs.

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