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Lizzie Sophia TV

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Lizzie Sophia TVの説明

My husband and I have been fully supporting our family with our digital marketing business since 2017… all while homeschooling our beautiful kiddos.

I started this channel as a new mum thinking I’d start a family vlog but very quickly realised I didn’t want to make money from sharing my day to day life.

That led me on a journey to build skills that would bring value to others and ultimately build the life we wanted.

It started by deeply studying direct response copywriting. I joined Copy Chief as a founding member in 2014 and self educated and did free projects for friends until I finally took the plunge and started freelancing in 2017.

Within 6 months I had fully replaced my husband’s income, and we’ve been building and growing our business ever since.

Since 2017, we’ve specialised in dental marketing and it’s been an incredible journey.

Now, this channel is about sharing my journey of building our business while having babies and homeschooling our tribe.

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