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Oneluckyman ( Bruno henri )

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Información sobre Oneluckyman ( Bruno henri )

Born in Europe ,
Grew up in the U.S.
Deadhead ,Farmer,Psychologist
I am the only grandchild of Henri Jules Gruart,my beloved grandfather,who was from St.Cyr, the same military academy that Charles de Gaulle went to.Henri was promoted to Brigadier Chef of the DGC1 in 1940 .He was one heck of a good cavalier.He was asked by De Gaulle to be a Commander at Dunkirk during the battles of May and June 1940.Honor and respect.Paix a son âme +
My 5 children were kidnapped September 18 2001 in California.I still need help in finding them.
July 4 2024 --- I just wrote to President Joe Biden
Please help this channel and my life,if you can via my PayPal account
S'il vous plaît aider moi avec cette chaîne et ma vie si vous le pouvez via mon compte PayPal
I am presently in Madagascar and if sufficient funds would come my way, I will continue to present myself and this channel!!!!!

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