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Aloha Everyone! There is nothing here because there are better torch bearers than me doing a much better job of exposing the darkness and loving others. Maybe someday I might get serious but my current commitments keep me from being a professional anything because I'm in the trenches living just as most of you are.
My love is for the lost sheep whether Jew or Gentile, Jesus came so the world could be redeemed! I will tell you this though It's taking all my patience to let go and forgive the very evils that are destroying the vineyard, I guess that's why we were told to love our enemies by Jesus because you can't fight evil by being evil. Repaying evil for evil leads to a wrecked and ruined yinyard. Eye for an eye leads to everyone being blind and where the one eyed man is king.I am comforted that someday the suffering ends with Jesus return.
Don't follow me, Follow Jesus, there in his embrace are all the comfort and answers that you seek. Love and Patience is key...... Love Timothy

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