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Tony C. 0451

197 subscribers

About Tony C. 0451

Greetings, YouTube. 大家好 (Hello, everyone). I'm Tony the Chang, or Tony the Chang-Made.

My channel, like my own life, is a work in progress. As such, forgive me for my lack of content at this time since I'm still learning how to create great content for audiences. If you stick around, though, you'll find toy reviews and see vlogs going over occasional tidbits about my life. Also, you'll get the occasional Cantonese lesson on my channel.

Some ground rules? Use good language towards me and other viewers. Risque humor can be allowed only when other viewers say so. Finally, harsh comments with or without expletives will NOT be tolerated. More rules will be added and current ones will be adjusted over time.

Now that the ground rules are covered, I hope that my channel will be of service to those watching. Stay tuned.

For those who use DeviantArt, here's my profile:

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