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About Dr.Bright

The Old Gods live, and they will live as long as their chosen people live. Do not try to tell me they are dead, for as long as I and others like me live, so shall they.

Food: Burritos, tacos, Chinese food, Mountain Dew, energy drinks and anything else that so-called "experts" say is bad for you.

Music: Metal and Blues
Bands: Amon Amarth, Dimmu Borgir, Six Feet Under, Deicide, Arch Enemy, Manowar, Ensiferum, Korpiklaani, Alestorm, Tyr

Religion: Asatru

Occupation: Self Unemployed

To Anyone Who Wants to Try to Convert Me to Christianity, Islam, or Whatever: How about a nice tall frosty glass of fuck you?

Asatru is the reconstruction of the native religion of the Germanic peoples. It is not re-enactment or "playing Viking" but a true religion based on the practices, beliefs, and morals of pre-Christian Europe. It is open to anyone with Germanic ancestors, and whoever else the gods choose. May the Aesir, Vanir, and benevolent Jotnar bless you.

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