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Dug Wolfe

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About Dug Wolfe

Ok. So now it's time for me to make an effort to introduce myself.
My name is Dug Wolfe (DUH). I am older than a helluva lot of other "Tubers". I envy younger folk for their stamina and enthusiasm. It also makes me wonder over the research some of these channels require.
Me. I'm a singer (not as good as I was), songwriter and producer. I've been writing songs since I was 12 and never looked back. As a kid, singing was natural but now I'm older (A Lot Older) the voice is on the slide, somewhat.
Production: No I don't run some fancy schmancy studio, I use the tech provided to the home music creation freak... i.e; me!
I guess I have Apple to thank for something.
I own Wolfe Digital Productions. It's my home based company which is generally non-profit but I will ask for a donation to pass onto any one of the wolf conservation charities around the world.
So thats me. Soon I'll be uploading a series of vids showcasing clients' and my own work. Hope you like it.

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