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Charlotte charly // FC&BinWeevilsFan [MTOTM]

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About Charlotte charly // FC&BinWeevilsFan [MTOTM]

Hello everybody! My name is Charlotte charly, and welcome to my channel! Here I post Stuff To Know episodes, YTPstyle YTPs (some may not be appropriate), lost media, audio cassette tapes and even random things, weird water bugs and strange fish!

(jk, I don't do water bugs and fish)

Member of TBK (The Kingdom) peace makers and Team Of The Misophones, showing respect for those who have Misophonia.

Call me:
Nice Charlotte charly Will Save You All
The Mario Bully Empire
and other great names...

Sike! There are no rules, you can do as you please!

We got to 1000, then 2000, then 3000, then 4000 NOW LET’S GET TO 5000!

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