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About AidanEyewitness

Urban development, new construction, architecture - modern vs traditional - transport & airport infrastructure in Manchester, Liverpool and connected cities.

Hallo und willkommen, welcome to AidanEyewitness. I'm Aidan O'Rourke, photographer, content creator, language teacher, home base NW England, background Irish, German speaker, Brompton cyclist, outlook European.

Since 1996, I've been photographing & writing about Manchester / Liverpool on my Eyewitness & sites, in photos, as a contributor to books, newspapers, websites, magazines & since 2020 YouTube.

I speak out on successes & failures of city development & encourage people to look, appreciate & comment. Please subscribe! The opening ident features my virtual airport office & gaffe - I'm an avgeek!

I greet in German. Why? Because it's part of my identity. I originally planned a bilingual channel - not practical! But I kept the German hallo and goodbye as my USP! A 2nd, multilingual channel is in preparation.

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