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Hi Everyone and WELCOME to our channel! We feature budget DIYs for home decor, organization, holidays, celebrations and everyday life! With every DIY we offer, we strive to live up to our name (F.A.B.E.D.) which stands for Fast, Affordable, Beautiful, Easy, & Delicious. Sometimes, one is a little more prominent than the other, (like maybe more affordable than fast for example) but we are aiming for F.A.B.E.D. and try to keep that in mind with all we offer! 😊

We are a family team made up of a mom (Rosemary), daughter (Nicky), and two sons (Matthew and Mark). As a family, we have seen many blessings and opportunities and sadly, have also faced many challenges and loses. But it is in between those two extremes that we learned to create a FABED life. For example, needing something fast, but wanting it to still be delicious or wanting something beautiful but needing it to be affordable. We hope to share some of our tips and ideas through this channel and hope you find them helpful!💗

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