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Nirvana Rotational Performance

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Nirvana Rotational Performanceの説明

Nirvana Rotational Performance is an emerging force situated at the interface of massage therapy, education, and rotational athletics. NiRoP is fixated on ensuring that student-athletes confidently, joyfully, and sustainably pursue their wildest dreams. Provided and performed by owner, CEO, and LMT Nicholas Rohan, NRP LLC is proud to feature neuromuscular therapy (NMT) as its central modality. In general, massage/manual therapy offers clients an opportunity to set aside time to step away from their time-bound lives to focus on and care for their physical body in alongside a qualified practitioner. In particular, NRP applies NMT to sports, leveraging techniques to fine-tune the athlete's proprioception and optimize for both longevity and timely performance in their sport. (CAUTION: common side effects include enhanced ownership over and dedication to one's training and recovery. These effects may be irreversible.) Questions? Reach out to [email protected] or (917) 680-9155 today.

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