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Ramona McKean

22 subscribers

About Ramona McKean

I'm a Canadian & a citizen of the world who's fascinated by other countries & cultures. I love connecting with people from everywhere. YouTube is great in that I get to learn much from videos and from the people who post them & those who comment on them.

I especially love China: the people, history & culture, which of course includes language, poetry, art & music. Teresa Teng is my favourite Chinese singer. My website used to be called "Building a Bridge of the Heart between China & the West." I still aim to do that, and I have broadened my focus. The new name is "A Bridge of Light." It's about "connecting people with their own and each other's humanity," via the sharing of music, stories, photos, quotes, etc.

Music, a universal language, can bridge any divide of nationality, race, religion, etc. Using music or anything else, let's bridge the crazy divides we create. The world will be a much friendlier & fun place!

Visit & say "hi," ok? :-)

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