Core Breach

Publicado 2024-05-06

NEW UPDATE: Fixed some bugs found by you guys and some bugs found by me!

NEXT UPDATE: Progression and skill unlock system.


What do you guys think about making the worm body vulnerable?! I'm experimenting with a development build where the whole body is vulnerable to attack. It changes up the game quite a bit!


If Snake and Geometry Wars had a baby and left a bunch of weapons laying around, Core Breach would be that baby! Slither your way out of danger and destroy waves of anti virus enemies trying to stop you from breaching the core.  


If you would like to take part in the development of Core Breach by providing crucial feedback or have an idea for a new attack or mechanic. Please feel free to join our discord and share your ideas. Anyone that provides valuable feedback will be offered a steam key on release and mentioned in the credits of the game! Core Breach Discord


Core Breach will be releasing on steam later this year. If you like the game and would like to play the full version your wish list will help me out a lot! Core Breach Steam Page




